Welcome back to Carol's Corner. Sorry I have been so absent lately. This whole injury thing has been pretty hard. Hopefully this whole healing process might be at an end in the next three weeks. I now have permission to walk with the boot and I don't have to wear it to bed anymore. Praise God! I can start wearing a shoe on the 14th, hoping she'll say one day earlier because of an event I'm going to. I'll call when it gets closer to then. I see my doctor on the 18th and hope to be released and allowed to begin exercising again. I am allowed to step on a scale without the boot every 3 or 4 days. I know I am going to want to lose about 19 1/2 pounds to get back to my fighting weight. I am going to go to Weight Watchers as soon as I am released from the doctor. I could do it on my own but this will give me even more incentive and maybe meet some people I can help at the same time. My winner for this ensemble was Diane Panda Sabbath, with,” Green With Envy.”




This is my newest manicure which I totally love! My nail tech rocks as usual and so do these gorgeous colors.

So tonight I am having Penny Newby Myers do another segment on her story as a I have been doing with others. So let's start with some pictures ( before and after and a few more current ones following her story).


As usual pictures are worth a thousand words. So here's Penny!

Hello. My name is Penny Myers and I am 54 years young. I am a mother of three and grandmother of 4 and one on the way. Over the years I had let myself go and found that my normal 120-130 frame got up to 225 pounds. In April of 2014 I finally had enough of not being able to tie my shoes without shortness of breath. I never felt comfortable in my clothing. I was very ashamed of how I looked. Most nights I would go to bed with stomach aches from all the overeating I would do throughout the day. Suffering with a hernia, acid reflex,IBS, and restless leg syndrome did not help matters any. I was taking medicines for all these ailments. I never felt good. It was time to make a change. I started walking. I walked outside for the first few months. Then I found this DVD in my garage sale items. It was of this lady named Leslie Sansone and Walk At Home. I thought what the heck. Let's give it a try. I LOVED IT. I now have over 15 of her DVD'S. I alternate between walking outside with walking with Leslie DVD'S. I drastically changed my eating habits and I drink plenty of water. I am now off ALL MEDS and I FEEL GREAT.

Thanks Penny and now let's see a few more pictures before we close out this edition of Carol's Corner.




Doesn't she look fabulous? And you know I LOVE the hair!

Remember, you can look glamorous at any age! Don't give up on yourself even when you experience setbacks. I've had a few myself lately but I will be back at it soon and getting myself back on the tracks and headed in the right direction. Believe in yourself and the sky's the limit. Till next time, God Bless.